Intake & Referrals

Intake and eligibility guidelines frequently shape the first point of contact for many people seeking service. Intake and referral strategies and protocols can communicate levels of familiarity with and commitment to meeting the needs of LGBTQ communities.

Routine bias or exclusion of LGBTQ people from services inhibits many from reaching for support or disclosing their gender or sexual identities during intake. An organizational self-assessment can drive changes to make explicit when LGBTQ people and families are eligible for services, ensure dignity and respect of LGBTQ people seeking services, and facilitate connections to LGBTQ-specific services and supports through skillful co-advocacy and referral.


Questions To Ask

  • How does the organization explicitly communicate that LGBTQ people are eligible for services?
  • Have LGBTQ communities historically been excluded from services, either in policy or practice?
  • Does the organization refer to LGBTQ-specific services and programs?
  • Are staff familiar with a diversity LGBTQ-specific services, programs, groups, online resources, etc.?
  • Are staff prepared to advocate for LGBTQ people when navigating systems or making referrals to other supports?
  • Are services and program perceived by the public as only for women, men, or families?
  • For organizations that offer gender-segregated services or programs, what policies and practices are in place to ensure access for transgender people? What options are available for LGBTQ people who do not identify as a “man” or “woman”?

Resources & Links

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